Patient presents with a painless cyst in the eyelid Location: Duration: Describes a irritation in the eyelid with no changes to visual acuity On examination: Lump consistant with a chalazion Treatment: Advised the patient of the diagnosis and reassured them this is not serious Discussed the following options: 1. Leave alone and allow to resolve on its own over a few months 2.Steaming the eyelid with hot water (left for about 5 to 10 minutes after boiling) in a thermos onto the closed eye for 10 to 15 minutes combined with massage. 3. Soak a hand towel or similar cloth in hot water and press it firmly but gently against the closed eye for several minutes. 4. Surgical referral to opthalmologist for excision Advised to return if the lump becomes infected Patient has elected to trial conservative measures and return if these fail keywords: chalazion, meibomian cyst , tarsal cyst