Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

Child presents with symptoms consistent with hand, foot and mouth disease
- fevers
- runny nose
- reduced oral intake
- raised lesions on hands, feet and mouth


Ear Nose and Throat exam:
- Ear:  No redness or discharge
- Clear rhinorrhoea
- No pharyngitis.  tonsils are not enlarged, not inflamed and have no pus

Cervical lymphadenopathy present

Respiratory exam was normal
- No respiratory distress
- Bilateral air entry
- No crepitations or wheeze heard on auscutation

Nil signs of meningitis:
- Nil photophobia
- nil purpuric rash
- Nil neck stiffness

Red maculules on the hands and feet
Shallow ulcers in the mouth

Reason for visit:
Hand, foot and mouth disease


Parents reassured and the diagnosis explained
Regular paracetamol +/- Ibuprofen
Careful hygeine

Advised to exclude child from daycare / school until blisters have dried up

Return here or to ED if not improving or concerns they are getting worse

Letter printed.
Letter written re. Parent cert for sick child.

Keywords:  Hand Foot and Mouth Disease, +HFM


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