Impetigo / School Sores

Patient presents with red lesions

On Examination:

Vesicopustular lesions with honey-coloured crusts

Management of Impetigo advised to patient:

1. Soak a clean cloth in a mixture of half a cup of vinegar and 1 Litre of tepid water.  Apply the compress to moist areas for 10 minutes several times a day then wipe off crusts
2. Bactroban 3 times a day for 10 days
3. Other general measures:
- Cover the sores
- Avoid close contact with others
- Regular hand washing
- Use separate towels and cloths
- change and launder clothes and linen daily

Oral antibiotics as prescribed (Fluclox 12.5mg/kg qid for 10 days or Cephalexin 25mg/kg bd for 10 days)

Exclude from childcare until antibiotics have commenced and any sores on exposed skin should be covered with a watertight dressing

Keywords:  Impetigo , School sore, +impetigo


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