Insect Bite

Patient presents following bites by a nonvenomous insect

Patient complains of small maculopapular raised lesions over the body which are itchy

On examination:

Macular papular lesions over the body
The lesions do not look infected
The patient does not look systemically unwell

No evidence of lymphadenopathy

Normal capillary refill

1.advised the patient other carer that these lesions do not usually need any treatment
 2.can put moisturiser cream on it such as Sorbelene
3.antihistamine such as promethazine can be used for excessive itchiness
4. Ice on the bites  may also provide relief
5. Simple analgesics such as paracetamol or ibuprofens can also be used if required

The patient has been advised to return should there be any signs of infection or any other ongoing concerns which they would like to have addressed

Keywords:  Insect Bite, +insectbite


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