Migraine - Acute

Patient presents with a headache
Has a history of migraines
Site:  Temproofrontal region
Radiation:  retro-orbital and occipital
Quality:  Intense and throbbing
Previous attack:  Regularly up to 2 per month
No precipitating factors identified
Associated nausea and vomiting
Headache preceded by an aura

No features of this headache markedly different from previous migraines

Denises any weakness or numbness in the limbs or facial muscles
No loss of consciousness


Neurological Exam normal:
- GCS 15
- Oriented to Time Person and Place
- No obvious facial droop
- Normal speech
- Moving 4 limbs freely

Reason for visit:

1. Aspirin 900mg
2. 1L IV normal saline stat
3. 10mg metoclopramide

Patient will be reviewed after treatment

Keywords:  acute migraine, +acutemigraine


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