Bruising - Likely benign

Patient presents with bruising for the last
Does not recall any trauma to account for the bruises
Has not had any significant bruising in the past
Denies abdominal pain, haemoptytis, PR bleeding, malaena or nose bleeds
Feels otherwise well
No chest pain, abdominal pain or SOB
No fatigue

No personal or family history of blood clotting disorders, haemophilia, thalassaemia

The patient appears well.  There is clinically no evidence of anaemia
Vitals as noted

Bruises noted in the following areas:

Respiratory exam :
good air entry bilaterally
No respiratory distress
No crepitations or wheeze

Abdominal exam:
No tenderness, guarding or rebound
No hepatomegaly or splenomegaly

Brief examination of the Cardiovascular system was normal:
- Heart sound were dual with no obvious murmurs
- JVP was not elevated
- No peripheral oedema
- No fine creps throughout the lung fields

Throat exam was normal:
- Pharynx showed no redness or pus
- Tonsils normal and not inflamed or redness

No evidence of lymphadenopathy

Clinical Impression:  Spontaneous bruising
Unlikely pathological

Advised patient this bruising is unlikely to serious
I have ordered bloods to check INR and FBC
Patient requested to note any new bruises and return in 1 week for review and blood results

Advised if any serious bleeding then return here immediately or call ambulance for transfer to ED

Keywords:  +benignbruising


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